When Life Gives You AI, Whip Out The 4D Strategy

Run Faster, Jump Higher, Win the AI Race: The Quadruple Playbook

Let's explore the incredible possibilities of Large Language Model(LLM)/GPT-4 technology- Now, how can we make the most out of it?

As an aside: When we talk about LLM/GPT-4 technology, we're referring to the combination of two powerful concepts: LLM (Language Model) and GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer).

LLM is the underlying architecture that forms the foundation of GPT-4. GPT-4, on the other hand, is a specific implementation or version of the larger LLM framework

Let's dive into our four magical dimensions: customer cravings, technical doability, business bang for the buck, and that unfair advantage.

These dimensions will help us evaluate and prioritize LLM/GPT-4 use cases effectively

Four Dimensions of Evaluating LLM use-cases

Customer Craves - The Desirability Factor

Why should customers care? That's the big question.

  • Big Monetizatable Pain-Point: What pain-point are we solving?

  • User Experience: Are we offering a frictionless, user-friendly experience?

Let's weigh up these factors before we make a move.

Technicality Matters - Feasibility Factor

Next up - how doable is this thing, really.

  • Comparables: Are there similar technologies around?

  • Existence: Does the use case exist in any form?

  • Maturity: How mature is it?

  • Development Ease: And importantly, is it a piece of cake to develop?

  • Resource Availability: Let's not forget about the resources needed. A solid ecosystem for developing LLM/GPT-4 use cases is a must!

Various sub-dimensions of The LLM/GPT-4 Evaluation Framework

Business Boom - The 'Show Me the Money' Factor

Okay, onto the juicy bit - the moolah!.

  • Market Size: How big's the pie we're slicing?

  • Growth Estimates: Can we expect a growth spurt?

  • Competition: Is the competition fierce or friendly?

These business value aspects are key to assessing the use case’s viability.

Competitive Advantage

Lastly, what's our edge in the market?

  • Expertise: Got the right expertise and experience?

  • Strategic Complementarity: Does the use case align with our existing strategies and offerings?

Ta-da! By juggling these four factors, we can figure out where LLM/GPT-4 shines, and make smarter calls on its rollout.

It's all about asking the right questions!