Working in Tandem: A Simple Look at Pipeline Parallelism in Deep Learning

AI Public Literacy Series- ChatGPT Primer Part 3l

We've all marveled at how clever AI can be, right?

But have you ever wondered about the secret sauce that makes it all possible?

There's an interesting method called "pipeline parallelism" that plays a key part in this.

It might sound technical, but let's unravel it together in a simple, friendly way.

Let's Start with the Basics

Imagine a neural network in deep learning like a team working together.

Each member of the team (layer of the network) performs a specific job (calculations) before passing it on to the next.

However, if our team is huge and the job very complex, waiting for each member to finish can be quite a drag, slowing down the whole process.

So, what can we do about it?

Say Hello to Pipeline Parallelism!

Think of pipeline parallelism as a way of giving each team member (GPU or Graphics Processing Unit) a different part of the job.

They each work on their tasks (layers of the network), making the whole process faster and smoother.

By spreading the work around, we can tackle memory issues and make the most of each team member's abilities.

Juggling with Memory

One challenge when working with big teams (large neural networks) is finding enough room to store all the instructions (model's parameters).

Pipeline parallelism handles this by splitting the job across team members (GPUs), meaning each one doesn't need as much room to store its instructions, making it possible to work on bigger tasks.

Waiting Around - Sequential Dependency and Idle Time

While pipeline parallelism helps spread out the work, team members might still need to wait for information from the previous member before they can start their job.

This waiting around (idle time) can slow things down and waste valuable resources.

Getting Everyone Busy - Overlapping Computation

To keep everyone busy, we can break the job into smaller parts called microbatches.

Instead of waiting around, each team member (GPU) can start working on their part (microbatch) as soon as it's ready.

This way, everyone is always busy and we can reduce idle time.

Gradients and Learning

Remember that our team's goal is to learn and improve.

They do this by adjusting their instructions (parameters) based on feedback (gradients).

With pipeline parallelism, we need to be careful with this feedback.

After each small part of the job (microbatch), we gather everyone's feedback and average it out. This way, we get a collective understanding from all parts of the job.

When all the small parts of the job are done, we can update the instructions (parameters) using the averaged feedback.

This helps our team learn and get better at their job.

The Payoff of Pipeline Parallelism

Using pipeline parallelism, we can work with bigger teams (train larger and more complex neural networks).

It allows us to use room (memory) efficiently by spreading the instructions (model's parameters) across the team (multiple GPUs).

Moreover, by keeping everyone busy and managing feedback, we can speed up the whole process, leading to quicker learning and better results.


In a nutshell, pipeline parallelism is a fantastic tool to help us train bigger and more complex AI teams.

By splitting up the job and keeping everyone busy, we can tackle memory challenges and speed up learning.

With this approach, we're enabling some impressive AI breakthroughs.

So next time you're wowed by AI, give a little nod to pipeline parallelism, the silent force powering it up.